From One Place to the Other

After a new Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was crowned––in the Dom, shown on the left, he proceeded to the Kaisersaal––shown on the right––for a huge banquet held in his honor.
It's amazing how tall those old churches are, and how beautiful.
It's difficult to even imagine the long process needed to build such an imposing church without the time-saving conveniences of modern technology.  But I'm sure the construction of such a building provided good employment for a lot more people, too.
And speaking of construction, there was a lot of that, or maybe it was restoration and repair, going on when I was in Frankfurt.  And since all the scaffolding is usually covered, that makes it impossible to get a good view of the buildings in question.  Both the Dom and the Romer had such scaffolding when I was there.  It wasn't tourist season, yet, so maybe they were trying to have everything done before all the tourists came.  (Well, it sounds good, anyway.)
The Kaisersaal, which was used as a banquet hall, was fascinating in a different way.  I just couldn't get over the fact that the left side of the room is actually longer than the right side!  Looking at the curved beams of the ceiling is about the only way that can be seen in a photograph; there's an extra one on the left side going only to the center. (Looks a bit strange when you walk to the windows!)

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