Cloud Gate in Chicago

Cloud Gate, nicknamed The Bean

Cloud Gate, nicknamed The Bean

This piece of sculpture is officially called the Cloud Gate, but has been nicknamed The Bean.  It was designed by artist Anish Kapoor and draws thousands of tourists.  The reflections in some places are like funhouse mirrors.

Under the Bean

Under the Bean

Standing underneath the Bean provides funhouse type views of your reflections.

The last photo is one taken to prove I found the geocache that is there.

Me standing at the Bean

Me standing at the Bean

5 thoughts on “Cloud Gate in Chicago

  1. Okay, Nancy, looks like you’ve figured this out. I used to have a setting on my blog where I had to approve the comments first, but decided I didn’t need it. At least now you know.

  2. Cool! Love the pics and nickname of The Bean. I’ve only been to Chicago once but missed this. Looks like a fun vacation. I need a vacation badly. Thanks for sharing.

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